what are the factors which are affecting column efficiency??
A. Nature of solvents:
Solvents of law viscosities are generally used for high efficiency separations.
The reason for this is that rate of flow is inversely proportional to viscosity
and hence it becomes necessary to select a solvent of lower viscosity and
proper elution strength.
B. Dimensions of column:
It is possible to improve the column efficiency by increasing the length/width
ratio of the column. For common preparative separation sample/column
packing ratios have found to range from 1:20 to 1:100.
C. Particle size column packing:
It is possible to increase the column efficiency by decreasing the particle size
of the adsorbent. The usual particle size ranges from 100 to 200 meshes.
D. Pore diameters of column packing:
Polar adsorbent posses a pore diameter of ≤ 20 A0
, A decrease in average
pore diameter from 170 – 20 A0
does not affect efficiency.
E. Temperature of column:
Difficult soluble samples are generally at higher temperatures while other
samples are separated at room temperature.
Dear Gorli Bhavya,
You are supposed to provide a reference to your reply.
For the above reply(factors affecting column efficiency) reference - Instrumental methods of chemical analysis
R. Chatwal